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If you are having a mental health emergency-call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.


Hurst Office: 817-381-8748
West 7th Office: 817-381-6959
Fax: 817-986-0540
CANVAS off West 7th
451 University Dr, Fort Worth, TX, 76107
Canvas at Hurst
1550 Norwood Drive, Ste 313, Hurst, TX 76054​

Health plans which we accept:
Canvas at Hurst accepts the following insurances:
Baylor Scott and White
United Health
BCBS Advantage HMO and HMO Plus
MyBlue Health
Many insurance plans cover a large percentage of the cost of service. If you have trouble paying for care, our business department can work with you to help!
Individual and Couples Services costs are dependent on treatment provider
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